All posts by Christopher Waugh

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” (Katherine Mansfield)

Homework: Plan your analytical essay

  Due: Tuesday 6 October Tonight’s homework asks you to devise your individual plan for your analysis of spoken and text language. You should use the attached materials to guide you and have developed a

Text Communication

The Thesis In pursuit of the Language Analysis badge, we are exploring the proposition that online text communication is closer to speaking than it is to formal writing in its style and form. Step one:

Analysing your own transcript

  Today we annotated the transcripts you wrote of your own spoken conversations. In doing this we recognised that the two competing purposes of language were operating in full force – the need for efficiency,

Your Idiolect

  Spoken Language Study The language of the unique individual. We’re starting the year with an investigation into the spoken language of the everyday individual. We’re pursuing the thesis that huge amounts of information can

Theme and Genre Study

We are pursuing a singular line of inquiry over the next two years, and as part of this it’s vital that we explore as many avenues in literature, philosophy and art that support the development of our understanding of the idea of ambition and the characters of those people who are driven by it.

Analysis of Spoken Language

  Today we will be exploring live spoken conversation – and generating our own transcripts. Watch this short video excerpt (from the film “FIT”) and try to write your own transcript of the conversation. Homework:


Testing 123

First homework task. Your first homework task of the year is a simple one – all you have to do is use the “Follow” button at the bottom right of this page and sign up